Wednesday 25 March 2015

Tonights class we learned all about Teamwork, we discussed what components are involved in teamwork such as:

- Co-operation
- Leadership
- Respect
- Skills
- Motivation

In order for a team to suceed all the members must work together in order to accomplish a goal.

Brian then got us to take part in a teamwork exercise where we had to get into groups of 5 and build the tallest tower possible only using spaghetti and marshmallows. For each team a member was assigned to be the leader, I was one of them.

I will be 100 % honest, I believe that I did not perform the best I could at being a successful leader. Looking back on the exercise, if I had the chance to redo it, I would completely change my strategies and tactics in order to be a successful leader. Although, this was a great chance for me to learn and practice skills I never had before, being the youngest member in the program I can be intimidated at some times when working with some of the older students. I should not become accustomed to this, wanting to be a police officer I will be dealing with people that are twice my age, so it is best that I get used to it now and practice in order for me to become better.

One last thing when the teams were done building the towers, I realized what the best architectural design would have been in order for my team to win. Next time !

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